After almost ten years of running this site on the original MaybeToday theme, one I cut my teeth on by modifying a free WordPress theme call “Ad Clerum”, MaybeToday.org has finally had a face lift.
Working from a premium theme called “Graphy Pro”, I was able to adequately customize it and port the site to the new theme in a little more than a day, which is a far cry from the time and effort it took to bring the site up in 2008.
Everything is cleaner and simpler this time, and I’ve jettisoned a lot of the visual noise that occupied the sidebars in the earlier rendition. I don’t think I’ll miss much of it.
Although the blog has been largely dormant for about four years, the reference material relating to Catholic Bibles has been updated and somewhat fleshed out, and as I find myself (hopefully) only about six months from finishing my graduate work at Franciscan University, I have some realistic confidence that the site might soon begin to flourish a bit. It feels great to get the presentation cleaned up and modernized.