
Rebecca invited me to a Father/Daughter Valentines Dance last weekend, put on by her Girl Scout group. It was nice to get out with her, even if she wasn’t feeling very well, but I have to say that I found the event disturbing in some ways. Like a lot of recent experiences, I found in it more signs of our civilization’s erosion. Not a news flash, I suppose, and open to accusations of overzealous alarmism, but I just can’t shake the sense that things are unraveling quickly. Part of it is the economic meltdown, but the pieces have been in place for quite some time, and have even contributed to the ridiculous credit situation that has the world of money staggering. If American culture can be seen as a living plant, I’m not at all convinced it has the roots to survive a significant storm.

This particular Girl Scout group is a Brownies troop consisting of girls from St Paul School, so all the people there had at least the school in common, although I’m sure there were any number of non-Catholics, as the school is hardly religiously homogeneous. A couple families, perhaps, were immigrants, but most everyone there were well-settled Americans, sharing what one could expect to be a common cultural bond. And there certainly was present, ultimately, that unifying glue we call culture, but it was epitomized in the insipid disco party anthem, “YMCA”. That song is what brought fathers and daughters together out onto the dance floor, and created a unified gathering out of the disjointed pockets of interest that had defined the event’s atmosphere to that point. There they were, grown men waving their arms around in the air in conformance with the prescribed movements of this ironic gay anthem become staple of social gatherings of all sorts.

What really troubled me about this was the realization that there really weren’t any alternatives available. It’s one thing to despise the ubiquity of such moronic kitsch, but it’s something else altogether to realize that there really isn’t any other common cultural currency to call upon. We have no folk music. We have no shared dance. Once we get past nursery rhymes, we imprison our aesthetic sensibilities in the generationally isolating fashions of pop music and the rest of pop culture, where most of what passes for art is targeted via profit motive at specific “markets” of audiences, being often incomprehensible to those outside the “in-crowd,” and leaving the kind of shared experience crucial to community either out of reach, or attainable only through a lowest common denominator of aesthetic infantilism.

And so what cultural treasure is it we possess that transcends the segregationism of pop culture chronology? A sly, winking invitation from a gang of gay cartoon characters to the pleasures of pederasty?

It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.

It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.

They have everything for you men to enjoy,

You can hang out with all the boys …

God help us.

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16 years ago

Oh my God..


do you really hate people that much?

very…very.. sad.

By the way.. Helen and I go to many festivals each year that highlight new and established folk bands and we dance, dance dance.. we even have our own dance boots for it.. so don’t give me that crap about our country in your words “We have no folk music. We have no shared dance.” That’s just ignorant. Come on John… if you’re going to preach from your high horse.. at least know what you’re talking about.

PS… you cant catch gay.. so don’t worry….


16 years ago

I truly apologize for insulting you. My dismay after reading your post obviously got the better of me, and I should have paused and taken a deep breath before pressing the “send” button. Unfortunately, I posted in haste, and made waste.

I understand, and understood at the time of reading your article, what you meant by folk music, and I still disagree with your premise. I just don’t think it’s accurate to say that our culture is devoid of the shared music of of a people (as you put it) beyond songs written by the Village People and other “puerile crap”. You are correct that nursery rhymes and songs like “happy birthday to you”, or “ring around the rosie” are folk songs. Many folk songs are nursery rhymes..that’s because that’s when you sing them to your children.. and that’s how they learn them. Don’t leave out songs like “This Land is Your Land”, “America The Beautiful” , “Oh Suzanna”, “She’ll be Comin’ Round the Mountain”, “You are my Sunshine” and many others that Anthropologists would consider Folk Songs (also usually learned at an early age). My guess is that our mothers and grandmothers actually knew and could sing those songs, and we learned many of them from friends and family in a community setting. Maybe we can include Christmas Carols and Negro Spirituals being sung in the south as examples.

The festivals that I go to are indeed geared toward specific local fans, but that’s only because the performers are playing 2,000 miles from their home base. Many of the Creole and Cajun performers that I see are the children, grandchildren, and even sometimes the great grandchildren of the original composers and performers who made Cajun and zydeco music the folk music of the Bayou. I would never really expect my neighbor here in Massachusetts to know any of these performers, but if you were to stop into a neighborhood in Breaux Bridge Louisiana, I guarantee you that most of the people there would know the name of guys like Dewy Balfa and Clifton Chenier (both of whom died quite some time ago). I don’t think that our country and the culture of our country has necessarily ever had one specific musical folk tradition that everyone embraces equally (beyond “happy birthday to you” and the like). The balance of folk music has always tilted towards being regional, and to paint our culture as a whole with such a broad stroke and to say that all we are left with is puerile crap by groups like the Village People is doing a great disservice to people keeping their musical folk traditions alive. It also includes dance.. we may not have a specific folk dance here in Massachusetts, but stray from confines of your home and you’ll see Contra dancing in the countryside, Polka down in PA, Zydeco in LA, Two Steppin’ in Texas. Just because you don’t hear it coming from a neighbors house in Metro Boston doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. And understand that I’m using this term in the least offensive way possible… it is simply ignorant to think otherwise.

But all of that is kind of beside the point. The reason I was so upset at your post wasn’t necessarily your apparent dismissal of the current state of folk music in America, so much as it was why you used that platform as a vehicle for other purposes. My guess is that your initial reaction to hearing YMCA wasn’t that you were concerned about the fact that kids don’t sing songs learned from their grandparents … but that you heard a song that you personally associate with homosexuality and that drove you nuts. The reason I say this is because you call it a “gay anthem” and you finish by posting lyrics to the song that, I’m assuming, you think imply homosexual behavior.. followed by “God Help Us”. So I think the point of your article was, in reality, more of a homophobic statement than anything having to do with the state of folk music in America. Instead of coming out (no pun intended) and saying that you disapprove of gays in our culture, and that you disapprove of the playing of that song, you wove a tale about folk music. Maybe I’m dead wrong, and it wouldn’t be the first time or last time that I’m absolutely wrong about something, but if they were playing the “Macarena” or the “Electric Slide”, or Otis Redding’s “Shout” as part of the fun time they were trying to provide kids at the party, you probably wouldn’t have written this article. You picked out YMCA for a reason… and I just think you were being somewhat intellectually dishonest with your readers about why it upset you so much. And that is what got my goat.

Sorry for the lengthy response, and please accept my apology for ranting at you before. We’ll have to agree to disagree on “catching” gay. But I still think you should feel pretty safe about not catching it.
